How to Help
Learn more about how to get involved with Israel Guide Dog Center!

Every gift helps provide a guide dog to a visually impaired Israeli, a support dog to an IDF veteran with PTSD, or a service dog for a child on the autism spectrum, free of charge.

Host a Parlour Meeting
Gather friends at home to meet our clients and their Guide Dogs and learn more about the fantastic work of our four-legged and two-legged friends.

Mitzvah & Tzedakah Projects
We offer students an opportunity to sponsor puppies for their Bar or Bat Mitzvah Projects or Class Tzedakah campaigns while learning about the life-changing work of Guide Dogs.

Sponsor a Puppy
Sponsor one of our gorgeous puppies for as little as $42 per month for two years and watch them grow from a six-week-old bundle of fur to a fully qualified guide dog or companion dog.

Name a Puppy
For a donation of $5,000, you can name a puppy and support their journey from newborn to a world-class guide dog, PTSD service dog, emotional support dog, or ambassador dog.